"Fredson Paixão is one of the top grapplers in the world, earning his black belt under Grand Master Osvaldo Alves in 1998. He is one of only two people to ever be skipped from purple belt straight to black belt.[1] He has won multiple World Championships as a black belt. He took first place in the Worlds in 1998 (as a purple belt); and in 2001, 2002, and 2005 (as a black belt). In addition, he finished second (silver medal) in 2004. He is also a nine-time Brazilian National Champion.
In May 2010, Paixão defeated Caol Uno (who is a BJJ black belt, judo black belt, shoot wrestler, and UFCveteran) in a no-gi jiu-jitsu superfight at the UFC Fan Expo held in Las Vegas at UFC 114.[2]"
Master Paixao is also our head black belt, under whom Professor Jim Collins received his black belt. Our close-knit lineage is something to be proud of.
Master Paixao will be visiting Billings Jiu Jitsu November 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Enjoy our regularly-scheduled Thursday night class headed by Professor Jim Collins and Master Paixao.
A Friday open mat will begin at 6pm, followed by promotions. Be sure to ask Master Paixao for a roll, and come out to support those getting strapped up.
Saturday's seminar will begin at 9am. Don't be shy! Attend, learn, ask questions. Have fun rolling after the seminar.
Cost to attend (one or all three days):
$85 Billings Jiu Jitsu members
$100 non-members.
Pay cash day of attendance (see Gwen), or Venmo
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